Doing business in the Philippines has been made more accessible thanks to the dedicated online portals where locators and business owners can inquire and access the forms, information, and requirements they need for their business-related transactions.
The LIMA Connect request center handles all locator requests and instantly connects to the different support departments.
The MEZ2 Link takes all queries sent through its request center and allows locators direct access to the corresponding support group.
The PEZA Portal lets investors do their business transactions and applications without leaving the comfort of their homes.
The BOC Customer Care Portal System provides quick and efficient support with a unique ticketing system and progress tracking.
lipa-malvar batangas
LIMA Connect
LIMA Connect is an online portal that provides our locators access to work permits, billing statements, and direct contact channels for real-time online monitoring of service request cases.
All supporting departments have direct internet access, and requests are processed instantly. The multifunctional dashboard allows locators to view important park announcements, emergency hotline numbers, and information on establishments within reach.
MEZ2 Link
MEZ2 Link is an online interface that allows our locators access to work permits, billing statements, direct contact channels, and real-time monitoring of service request cases.
All supporting departments have direct internet access, and requests are processed in real-time. A multifunctional dashboard allows locators to view important park notices, emergency hotline numbers, and information on nearby establishments.
The request center handles all locator requests sent via MEZ2 Link. Concerns submitted are directly linked to the different departments of MEZ2 Link: Operations, Security & Accounting.
PEZA Portal
The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) website also serves as a one-stop-shop portal for doing business in the Philippines without needing to go to a PEZA office. Transactions are made more accessible, faster, and more convenient.
PEZA is now able to provide its members a safe and efficient online payment facility to conveniently settle various fees such as Advance Payment, Fines, and Penalties, Admin Fee, Import Cargo Processing Fee, Registration Application Fee, Start of Commercial Operation (SCO) Application Fee, Letter of Authority Processing Fee, Availment of Incentives Processing Fee, PEZA Seal, and New Project Application Fee, with numerous payment options available.
BOC Portal
To better serve the public, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) has established the BOC Customer Care Portal System, the online version of its customer assistance service that aims for a more seamless and customer-centric system to address port stakeholders’ concerns and complaints.
The BOC Online Filing Portal accepts the digital filing of Goods Declaration (i.e., Consumption, Transit, Warehousing, Export, Information, etc.). While other BOC transactions, such as AMO Accreditation, Gatepass, Inquiries, etc., will be processed at the BOC Customer Care Portal System. Requests are assigned a unique ticket number which one can use to track the progress and responses online.
Visit BOC Portal